To advertise which Cultural Item we were analysing we had to create a poster, detailing our intentions for the final essay, e.g. which theorists and theories we're studying and why etc, as well as being visually appealing.
Below is my poster for Metropolis:
I really wanted to get across the style of the film as well as have enough room for all of the text - the poster image was perfect for this, as it communicates that it's about the film.
Original Film Poster:
While the altering of the poster (the bright red and yellow) relate to how it's been appropriated, especially by Moroder's Pop version. I took inspiration from that version's poster:
I did a bit of thumbnailing as well on how to position the text:
This helped to get a good idea of where the text would go. It was a bit of a challenge to have such a busy background and to fit the quite large amount of text on as well. It was useful practice though as normally I don't have to consider this amount of text on a visual document.
On Display:
( 04/03/14 - 07/03/14, F Block, Bower Ashton)
The poster helped me to cement some of my ideas and pushed me to prepare an outline of where I want to go with the essay. This made starting to write the first draft a lot easier then I previously thought.
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